Entering a Payment From Client

Entering a Client Payment

There are two ways to enter a client payment:

  • Client Session - When a client pays at session, the payment is entered in the Client Session in the Paid at Session box.  
  • Payments Received and Adjustments - This method is used when the client has already been invoiced for their client responsibility.

Client Session

If a client pays at session or prior to posting the insurance EOB, enter the payment in the Client Session in the Paid at Session box.

If the claim is billed to insurance, the Client Session/Paid at Session amount will be posted to the client's account after the Insurance EOB has been posted, and the client has been invoiced.  If it is a private pay claim, the Client Session/Paid at Session amount will be posted when the Client Session is invoiced.

NOTE: Enter client payments into the Client Session, but do not enter an amount that exceeds the amount required by insurance. It can result in an over-payment or credit. 

Payments Received and Adjustments: 

  • Click on Daily Activity, and then on Payments Received and Adjustments.
  • Click on “Enter a New Item”.  It is not necessary to change the date on the date selectors to enter a payment. The date selectors are used strictly to review past payments that have been posted.

  • Choose the source of the payment from the drop-down box (choose From Client).

  • Choose the Client Name from the next drop-down box. Once the client name is chosen, any outstanding balances owed will appear below. 

  • Click on the box next to Check Date and select the date of the check from the calendar (mandatory). Enter a Check Number (optional, but highly recommended), a Reference (an optional note you can add for yourself) and the Total Amount of Check or Payment. The “Remaining Amount to Apply” block will show how much of the payment remains to be applied to a session.

  • Choose the appropriate Client Session by clicking on the “HAND” icon next to one of the Billed Charges and click Apply Payment. The billed charges will automatically move to the “Net Amount Paid” column unless an amount is entered in the Carry Forward or Write-Off box. If a client pays only a portion of a billed charge and the remainder is still the clients responsibility, enter the unpaid portion in the Carry Forward column. Click Apply Payment after each session has been entered.

  • When payment for the last Client Session has been applied, and the entire payment has been applied, a screen that says “Nice Job Everything Balances” will pop up. At this point, you may click “Close” to review or edit the payment or you may click on “Update Account Balances”. 
  • You MUST click on “Update Account Balances” to post the payment.  If you click “Close” to review or edit the payment, simply click on the “HAND” icon next to one of the Billed Charges you've entered a payment on and click Apply Payment to get the option to “Update Account Balances” again. Clicking on “Update Account Balances” will post the payment to the Client Balances and the payments can be viewed in the Reports screens.    
  • If you carried forward a portion of the client charge, you will see an invoice on Invoice Clients and Insurance for the remainder of the client responsibility.
  • To review payments to the client account, click on the dollar icon ($) to the right of the client name at the top of the screen and go to Account Activity by Client