Billing Codes

Billing Codes

The Billing Code Setup can be accessed by clicking on Codes Setup on the left, then click on Billing Codes.  

To add a new billing code, click on “Add New Billing Code”.  Fill in the information and click “Save”.    

You may add a “dummy” billing code (for something like report writing or phone calls), but it must be 5 digits.  When you create a session and use that billing code (and the client has insurance), you will need to change the “Bill To” drop down box in the session to “Bill the client directly (Bypass insurance)”.  This tells the system to create a client invoice rather than a CMS form.
To edit the description or Billed Charge of a Billing code that is already entered, simply click on the BLUE Billing code number.  This will take you to a screen to edit the information.  Click “Save” when information is completed.
Every account is pre-populated with three billing codes that are hard coded to bill the client only.  These codes can never be billed to an insurance company.  They are:
  • Missed Session
  • Previous Balance
  • Late Fee