Transitioning your MCP account from a Sole Provider to an Organization

If you are a Sole Provider and are switching to an Organization Provider (or simply adding a Type II NPI and an EIN), these are instructions on how to manage the process at the payer level within My Clients Plus.

Once your first payer has switched your contracted credentials to an EIN and Type II NPI, you should make the following changes to your account.

Practice Setup

  • Add your Type II NPI 
  • Add your Taxonomy if appropriate
  • Update the TIN and the qualifier if you are switching to an EIN from an SSN.

Code Setup > Insurance Companies > Special Overrides to the Practice Setup

For those payers who are now being billed under the Type II NPI and as an organization:
  • Switch Print Practice Name to Yes
For those payers who are still being billed under the Type I NPI and as a sole provider:
  • Switch Ignore Group Settings to Yes
  • Add the SSN and correct qualifier if appropriate.  If there is no change from the Practice Setup, then leave this blank.
As each payer contract is switched over to the EIN and Type II NPI, update the payer Insurance Setup:
  • Switch Ignore Group Settings to No
  • Remove the SSN is this field is populated and it should now use the TIN from the Practice Setup.
  • Switch Print Practice Name to Yes