Electronic Claims Activity

Electronic Claims Activity

The Electronic Claims Activity screen can be accessed by clicking on the Electronic Claims tile on the far right of your dashboard in MCP 2.0.

On the Electronic Claims Activity report, there are 2 views as well as the option to switch your payers from Office Ally to Apex:

Billing Period - This view will let you see your claim submissions made in your My Clients Plus billing cycle. You can determine if you should update your electronic billing plan based on the counts here. This view is useful to for keeping a track of your claim submissions, regardless of clearinghouse, and will help you determine the best subscription level for your needs.  You can change your subscription level in your account under My Payment Info > Manage Subscriptions:  Manage Subscriptions

Calendar Month - This view will allow you to see if you may be assessed a $35 Office Ally surcharge during this calendar month based on the percentage of submissions to non-participating payers through Office Ally. You will see a message in blue at the bottom of the Office Ally table that alerts you to the percentage of non-participating payer claims you've submitted; if you submit 50% or more of your claims to non-participating payers, your account would be subject to the additional $35 Office Ally surcharge.

Convert Payers from Office Ally to Apex:

To change your individual payers from Office Ally payers to Apex payers, click on the Electronic Claims tile on the Home page of your MCP 2.0 account.  

Scroll to the bottom of the page below the Electronic Claim Status report where you will see the payers used in this account listed.  Simply select the appropriate Apex Payer for each Office Ally Payer and click Complete Enrollment.

You will be required to enter your password for verification that you understand that this process will convert the Office Ally payer to the selected Apex payer and that the automated process cannot be reversed.  You can manually switch a payer in a client record through Client Setup > Primary or Secondary Payer.