Client Setup

Client Setup

A new client may be added to your My Clients Plus account by clicking on the client selection drop down box and select "Add a NEW client".  This will display the client setup entry screen.

Complete the following information:

Complete the applicable client information.  SSN or ID# is optional and is for the provider internal use only.

Client Signature?: This block defaults to “Yes”. “Yes” indicates that you have the Patient Signature to release medical data to insurance companies. This populates block 12 on the CMS form with “Signature on File”.

Client Invoice Option:
  • Standard Invoice – basic client invoice
  • Insurance Super Bill – requires diagnosis code and provider information. Used for fee-for-service clients.
  • Account Statement Format – Typically used when billing insurance.

Send Invoice To: This will default to the client name and address, unless an alternate responsible party is chosen.

Primary Insurance:  Set up insurance for the client by clicking on the drop-down box.  Choose either a “paper” insurance company (previously set up in the Insurance Companies Setup link) or click Switch to MY Electronic Payers and choose your Electronic Payer.  You can also select Switch to ALL Electronic Payers, then click on the drop-down box again and select the electronic payer. 

Enter the Insured’s ID in the ID Number box and Group ID (if applicable).
Whose insurance is this?:  This is the Insurance Subscriber Information.  Once you click on Insured's ID, the software will automatically populate this information with the Client's information from above.  If the Insured is different than the Client, then you will need to enter that information.
Client’s Relationship:  This refers to the relationship between the client and the insurance subscriber.  Select the appropriate option as this can impact the name of the client in an electronic claim submission. 

Client File Notes:  These are used for administrative notes.  They do not print anywhere, but you can see them when you enter or review the Client Session.

Enter or View Tracking Information:  To Track the number of sessions or Prior Authorizations, simply click on Enter or View Tracking Info.  You may track up to 7 different authorizations. Please note that if you need to add an authorization number to an insurance claim, it will be need to be added to the Client Session screen (see Creating Client Sessions).

You can monitor all of your authorizations by using the Authorized Insurance Sessions report located under Reports>Misc Reports (see Insurance Authorizations).

To Add Session Tracking: 

To Remove Session Tracking: